Onderwerp: Realistisch?
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 11:20 #661062
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 11:28 #661065
mgbgt1975 nog steeds bekend als mgbgt1975
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 11:32 #661067
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 11:51 #661071
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 11:55 #661072
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 11:58 #661074
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 12:06 #661076
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 12:21 #661081
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 12:29 #661083
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 12:38 #661086
Helios is de zonnegod, Zoon van het Titanenpaar Hyperion en Theia, broer van Selene (Maan) en Eos (dageraad). Met zijn zonnewagen rijst hij bij dageraad op uit de Okeanos, rijdt langs de hemelkoepel en verdwijnt `s avonds in het westen weer in de oceaan.
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 12:50 #661091
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 12:56 #661094
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 14:03 #661119
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 17:05 #661215
Delher 29 D'Helios
...hij wist zeker dat niemand anders dan de duivel die vlag op zee gestreken kon hebben...... |
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 18:58 #661264
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 19:33 #661285
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 19:39 #661292
Realistisch? 13 sept 2015 19:52 #661304
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |
Realistisch? 20 sept 2015 22:55 #664689
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt Dance like nobody's watching |