Met het steeds minder aantrekkelijk worden van iSailor heb ik me weer eens op OpenCPN gestort. Dit had ik 'vroeger' naar tevredenheid op mijn Asus Eee-PC'tje draaien onder XP. XP wil inmiddels niet meer zo lekker lopen. Die Eee-Pc is echter nog steeds een leuk apparaat, dus met wat vallen en opstaan Linux erop gezet, Lubuntu 18.04 32 bits om precies te zijn. En ook basis OpenCPN geïnstalleerd gekregen. Werkt prima en redelijk vlot allemaal. Ben een Apple gebruiker dus dat Linux voelt wel een beetje onwennig allemaal, een beetje als m'n oude MSX-computer zeg maar.
Maar nu komt het: Ik wil mijn Holux GM-210 GPS-muisje weer gebruiken voor de positiebepaling (En later aan boord het zelfbouw WiFi AIS-en positie transmittertje).
Hier de OpenCPN manual gevonden:
Kortgezegd: Ik snap meer van het toverspreuken van Harry Potter dan deze uitleg. Kan iemand in Jip en Janneke taal uitleggen hoe je zoiets simpels als een GPS-muis aan de gang krijgt in Linux?
Dank alvast!
Uit de manual:
Two methods are available, direct connection or through gpsd.
We start with gpsd.
Install the gpsd and gpsd-clients packages
$ sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients
Go to Options→ Connections→ Add Connection and select “Network” plus the GPSD radio button. Address should be “localhost” and DataPorts should be set to 2947.
On Ubuntu, that is really all you have to do, but see next point. When you plug in your gps this will trigger gpsd to start.
At least on Ubuntu 18.04, and other Debian based distros, there is one more step if you have a GPS with a Prolific chip, such as the popular BU353. The support for this chip is turned off by default. You have to edit the file “/lib/udev/rules.d/60-gpsd.rules”. Find the paragraph regarding Prolific Technolog, near the beginning, and remove the “#” from the line starting “#ATTRS{idVendor}”. Save and restart your computer.
“xgps” and “cgps” are clients that comes with the gpsd-clients package, and are useful for testing that the gps and gpsd is working properly. If xgps or cgps isn't working, it's a gps or gpsd problem, not an OpenCPN problem
Direct connection.
Make sure that gpsd isn't running then connect your gps and start OpenCPN. On Ubuntu 12.04 the easiest way to achieve this is to uninstall gpsd.
By Ubuntu 18.04 it is possible for gpsd and direct connection to co-exist. Create a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/70-opencpn.rules with the following contents:
KERNEL==“ttyUSB*”, MODE=“0666”
KERNEL==“ttyACM*”, MODE=“0666”
KERNEL==“ttyS*”, MODE=“0666”
Make sure that owner, group and permissions are the same as the other files in the “rules.d” directory. Reboot.
In the Options→Connections → Add Connection, select “Serial”.Set “dataPort to the port where you plugged in your gps. If you plugged in BU 353 this will probably be /dev/ttyUSB0.
Choose 4800 baud, unless you know that the gps is set to something else.
The gps should now work…if not, check the NMEA data stream window. If only binary garbage is visible, the gps has to be reset to NMEA mode, see more about this above in windows section. An alternative is to use gpsd, that will work with the gps in Sirf mode.
To do this in Linux for BU 353 as well as many other gps:es, make sure that gpsd is running and that the package “gpsd-clients” is installed. On Ubuntu 12.04 gpsd needs to be temporarily installed. Make sure to kill any instances of gpsd with the command:
"sudo killall gpsd"
This command will put the GPS into NMEA mode.
* $gpsctl -n
If that doesn't work, try
$ gpsctl -f -n /dev/ttyUSB0
This will force a low-level access, bypassing gpsd. For more information: $man gpsctl
More information is as always available through “man gpsctl” Close down OpenCPN before running gpsctl.
None of this is normally noticed when using gpsd, as this program reads both NMEA and SIRF binary sentences.