Beauty schreef :
Geen viscositeit, geen lift. Een vleugelprofiel in Super Cooled Helium bijvoorbeeld. (Arverl Gentry).
Of, zoals
John D. Anderson het uiteenzet in zijn boek "Fundamentals of aerodynamics":
Without Friction Could We Have Lift?
In Section 1.5 we emphasized that the resultant aerodynamic force on a body immersed in a flow is due to the net integrated effect of the pressure and shear stress distributions over the body surface. Moreover, in Section 4.1 we noted that lift on an airfoil is primarily due to the surface pressure distribution, and that shear stress has virtually no effect on lift. It is easy to see why.
Look at the airfoil shapes in Figures 4.17 and 4.18, for example. Recall that pressure acts normal to the surface, and for these airfoils the direction of this normal pressure is essentially in the vertical direction, that is, the lift direction. In contrast, the shear stress acts tangential to the surface, and for these airfoils the direction of this tangential shear stress is mainly in the horizontal direction, that is, the drag direction. Hence, pressure is the dominant player in the generation of lift, and shear stress has a negligible effect on lift. It is for this reason that the lift on an airfoil below the stall can be accurately predicted by inviscid theories such as that discussed in this chapter.
However, if we lived in a perfectly inviscid world, an airfoil could not produce lift. Indeed, the presence of friction is the very reason why we have lift. These sound like strange, even contradictory statements to our discussion in the preceding paragraph. What is going on here? The answer is that in real life, the way that nature insures that the flow will leave smoothly at the trailing edge, that is, the mechanism that nature uses to choose the flow shown in Figure 4.18c, is that the viscous boundary layer remains attached to the surface all the way to the trailing edge. Nature enforces the Kutta condition by means of friction. If there were no boundary layer (i.e., no friction), there would be no physical mechanism in the real world to achieve the Kutta condition.
So we are led to the most ironic situation that lift, which is created by the surface pressure distribution — an inviscid phenomenon, would not exist in a frictionless (inviscid) world. In this regard, we can say that without friction we could not have lift. However, we say this in the informed manner as discussed above.
Bas van Dijk schreef :
JRomkes schreef :
Huh? Lift is 0,5 * dichtheid* snelheid in het kwadraat* oppervlak* liftcoefficient van het profiel. Waar komt de viscositeit vandaan?
> The lift coefficient also contains the effects of air viscosity and compressibility.
Volg de link en wat staat daar dan?
Aerodynamic forces depend in a complex way on the viscosity of the gas. As an object moves through a gas, the gas molecules stick to the surface. This creates a layer of air near the surface, called a boundary layer, which, in effect, changes the shape of the object.
Viscositeit heeft dus
invloed op de lift doordat het de schijnbare vorm van het vleugelprofiel beïnvloedt.
Viscositeit heeft een invloed op het onstaan van lift, maar niet zozeer op de grootte er van.
. De vorming daarvan is afhankelijk van de snelheid, en viscositeit van de lucht, en van de grootte en vorm van het obejct. Dti wordt gekarakteriseerd door het Reynolds getal.
Maar zoals je kunt zien in de lift formules, is diezelfde viscositeit dus maar zeer beperkt van invloed op de gevormde lift. Alszodanig wordt viscositeit van de lucht door ons zeilers niet heel erg gevoeld.
Denk ik.