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Onderwerp: Straat v Messina ?

Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 19:10 #1318350

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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 19:23 #1318352

  • Knoet
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De stroming daar blijkt zelfs een eigen website te hebben: www.correntidellostretto.it/
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 19:34 #1318359

  • Kock1964
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Ik ben verbaasd dat daar überhaupt stroom staat.
Laatst bewerkt: 24 aug 2021 19:34 door Kock1964.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:06 #1318372

  • rooiedirk
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Een website weet ik zo niet, wat ik wel weet is dat de stroom lastig te voorspellen is.
Pasop voor plaatselijke draaikolken!!!
Uit de (grote boten) pilot:

Charts 917, 1018
Scope of the chapter
The chapter covers the Stretto di Messina, embracing
both the Sicilian shore and that of Calabria on the Italian
mainland, from the vicinity of 38°16′⋅7N 15°43′⋅5E in the
N to 38°02′⋅0N 15°33′⋅6E at the S entrance. The only
major port is Porto di Messina.
It is arranged as follows:
Scilla and Capo Peloro to Capo Scaletta and Punta di
Péllaro (12.15).
Porto di Messina (12.49).
Stretto di Messina is narrowest near its N end where,
between Capo Peloro (10.124) and Torre Cavallo (12.22), it
is about 11⁄2 miles wide. At its S end, between Capo
Scaletta (12.24) and Punta di Péllaro (12.24), it is about
71⁄2 miles wide. It is deep and free from off lying dangers.
On either side of the strait habitation is mainly
concentrated on narrow coastal strips which are backed by
mountainous terrain with many peaks rising to more than
1000 m.
Fishing with fixed nets is carried out to a considerable
extent throughout the year along the shores of Stretto di
Messina both by day and by night, but it does not interfere
with through navigation of the strait.
Fishing for swordfish by drift nets in the strait is
prohibited between Capo Scilla Lighthouse (12.18) at the N
entrance, and Capo dell’ Armi Lighthouse (14.9) at the S
Submarine cables and pipelines
Submarine cables come ashore at various points, detailed
in the directions, on both sides of Stretto di Messina. These
points are marked by the alignment of a pair of beacons,
each surmounted by a yellow and black ball on which is a
white T; see 1.25.
Two submarine cables are laid through Stretto di
Two submarine cables are laid from 4 cables SW of
Punta San Raineri (38°11′⋅6N 15°34′⋅5E) (12.21) E to
21⁄4 miles S of Punta Pezzo (38°13′⋅8N 15°38′⋅2E) (12.20).
Four submarine power cables are laid from a position
11⁄4 miles NNW of Punta San Raineri to a position
11⁄2 miles S of Punta Pezzo.
Owing to submarine cables, anchoring, trawling or any
other underwater activity is prohibited in an area between:
And 38°13′⋅4N.
For regulations concerning submarine cables see 1.25.
Four submarine methane-gas pipelines are laid across the
N entrance to Stretto di Messina from 21⁄4 miles W of Capo
Peloro (10.124), in an arc NE, E and SE to 11⁄2 miles E of
Castello di Scilla (12.41).
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area between
5 cables N of the N pipeline and 5 cables S of the S
pipeline. The W landing place of these pipelines is
described at 10.124, and their E landing place at 11.44.
For further information on submarine pipelines see 1.25.1
In the vicinity of the high land on either side of the
strait, squalls can descend through the valleys with much
violence. For general weather and climate information see
1.145 to 1.166.

Owing to currents and whirlpools, famous from
antiquity, some caution is necessary in navigating the strait.
The waters of the Ionian Sea are appreciably colder and
more salty than those of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The difference
in density of the waters at the ends of the strait sets up
currents which flow from N to S through the strait on the
surface and from S to N below about 27 m. The normal
rate of the surface S-going current is about 1⁄4 kn, although
with some strong winds its rate may rise to as much as
1 kn. The steady S-going current has usually little effect on
the tidal streams at springs, but causes the N-going stream
to commence later and to finish earlier at neaps.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:07 #1318373

  • rooiedirk
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Tides and tidal streams
Stretto di Messina connects the Tyrrhenian Sea to the N
with the Ionian Sea to the S. Off Capo Peloro (10.124), at
the N entrance to the strait, the tide behaves like that of
the Tyrrhenian Sea. From Punta Pezzo (12.20) and to the S,
it behaves like that of the Ionian Sea. Though these two
tides are of the same type, the times at which HW and LW
occur, differ at the strait by about 6 hours.
Thus, when it is HW at Capo Peloro, it is LW at Villa
San Giovanni (12.27), only 3 miles farther S, and vice
versa. Hence, twice each lunar day, the water level has a
maximum slope N through the strait, and twice each lunar
day a slope to the S.
Though the difference in level is small, amounting to
less than 0⋅3 m at springs, it is concentrated into such a
short distance that streams of 4 kn at springs are generated
by it. These streams set with their greatest force where the
strait is most narrow and shallow, that is to say, between
Punta Pezzo (12.20) and Ganzirri (12.46), and their strength
diminishes rapidly N and S of this line as the strait
deepens rapidly.
At springs the N-going and S-going streams set for
61⁄4 hours each with a maximum rate of 41⁄4 kn. At neaps
the N-going stream sets for only about 51⁄2 hours and the
S-going stream for 7 hours with a maximum rate of 21⁄2 kn.
A strong N wind can reduce the duration of the N-going
stream to 3 hours, and increase that of the S-going stream
to 91⁄2 hours. The N-going stream is known locally as the
montante and the S-going stream as the scendente.
Under ordinary conditions at springs, the tidal streams in
mid-channel set as follows:
Interval from
N-going stream begins in the following
NW of Scilla (12.41). The rate in this
vicinity is about : the maximum.
Between the old disused power cable
pylons (12.18).
NW of Punta Pezzo (38°14′N 15°38′E).
W of Punta Pezzo. The rate in this
vicinity is about 1⁄2 the maximum.
S-going stream begins in the following
NW of Scilla. The rate in this vicinity is
about : the maximum.
Between the old disused power cable
pylons (12.18).
NW of Punta Pezzo. The maximum rate is
attained in this vicinity, 41⁄4 kn at springs,
21⁄2 kn at neaps.
W of Punta Pezzo. The rate in this
vicinity is about 1⁄2 the maximum.
The N-going stream sets along the axis of the strait. The
S-going stream deviates somewhat from the axis and first
sets towards the shore at the SE end of an imaginary line
joining the old power cable pylons (12.18), thence WSW
past Punta Pezzo (12.20) and then W across the strait
towards Pace (12.23) on the Sicilian side, thence S along
the Sicilian shore to Porto di Messina (12.49). It then
recrosses the strait setting SE to the Calabrian shore and
past Reggio di Calabria (12.34), at the same time becoming
wider and considerably weaker.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:10 #1318374

  • Avalon
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Ja er staat heel veel stroming em je ziet overdag draaikolken, ben er in 2011 met een 26 ft door heen gevaren, was een echte belevenis, overal zie je ook de boten met zwaardvissers. Het is het goede moment kiezen, en het beste met een plotter er door heen te varen, ben n-z gedaan en je moet echt de route varen en die duurt langer dan je denk. Geniet van je doorvaart
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:14 #1318376

  • rooiedirk
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Overfalls and tide-rips
At each turn of the tidal stream there occurs a brief
stand followed by one or more tagli or bores (similar in
many respects to those set up in certain rivers). These tagli
are caused by the shape of the bottom of the strait, in
particular the submarine ridge extending from Punta Pezzo
(12.20) to Ganzirri (12.46), affecting the flow of the
streams and the upwelling of water of different density and
The water conditions vary according to whether the flow
is from the Tyrrhenian Sea or Ionian Sea. With the S-going
stream, the water is in general thermally stable from the
Tyrrhenian Sea; but with the N-going stream, colder and
more dense water from the Ionian Sea comes to the
surface, sometimes bringing with it species of fish from
great depths. These varying water conditions are of
considerable importance to the local fishermen as they
produce alterations in the distribution of fish.
The first taglio is often of complex appearance
consisting of tide-rips and overfalls of no great height,
together with small whirlpools, which spread across the
strait in bands. The taglio starts normally in the N part of
the strait and progress to the S. With the S-going stream
the taglio moves S in advance of the stream; with the
N-going stream the taglio also progresses S but against the
onset of the stream. After the first taglio has past the
direction of the reversed stream becomes established.
The second taglio or taglio grande is often in the form
of breakers, up to 1.5 miles off Punta Pezzo (12.20), and
begins in the vicinity of the submarine ridge across the
strait. It sweeps S through the strait and passes up to about
1 hour after the first taglio. As the second taglio passes, the
stream increases in strength to a rate not much less than
the maximum.
With the N-going stream the second taglio is often not
very remarkable, but with the S-going stream it can be an
imposing spectacle. As it progresses S, it tends to join the
first taglio off Reggio Calabria. If the wind is blowing
against the advancing taglio the short high seas formed
may become dangerous to small craft.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:14 #1318377

  • rooiedirk
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Near the shores of the strait, the streams may give rise
to eddies with counter-currents close inshore, especially off
or in the lee of projecting headlands. These eddies are
locally termed bastardi or refoli. They extend 5 cables or
less offshore and commence from 1 to 2 hours after the
turn of the stream. The most marked of these eddies are:
On the Montante:
NE of Punta Pezzo (12.20), between Cannitello
(12.22) and Torre Cavallo (12.22).
WSW of Capo Peloro (10.124) off the village of
Torre Faro (12.45).
From the entrance to Porto di Messina (12.49) N to
the coast off San Francesco di Paola (12.23),
21⁄4 miles S of Pace (12.23).
On the Scendente:
S of Capo Peloro.
From Punta San Salvatore (12.68) clockwise round
Porto di Messina, and thence up the coast to Pace
(12.23) and the vicinity of 38°15′⋅1N 15°36′⋅2E.
Off the village of Acciarello (12.22).
Between Catona (12.22) and Punta Calamizzi (12.24).
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:15 #1318378

  • rooiedirk
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Small whirlpools, known locally as garofali or vortici,
are seen in most parts of the strait, especially soon after
one or other of the tagli has passed. They mark areas
where denser water is sinking. They are commonly
accompanied by smooth, oily patches, known as sorgimente
or macchis d’olio, where water is welling up from below.
The only whirlpools which present any danger to small
craft, are those which form always near the same places,
owing to peculiarities in the bottom. These locations are:
Between 1 and 11⁄2 cables offshore abreast Torre Faro
A few hundred metres W of Punta Pezzo (12.20).
Off the beach S of Punta San Raineri (12.21).
These whirlpools are stronger and larger in springs. Any
one of them does not exist continuously but lasts up to
about 1⁄2 hour, when it dies away and a new one starts up
nearby. The whirlpool off Torre Faro is the Charybdis of
the Ancient Greeks which, with the mythological cave
dwelling monster Scylla on the opposite shore, is reputed
to have made for a hazardous passage through the Strait.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:16 #1318379

  • rooiedirk
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Een heel verhaal, en de site verdomd het om het in een stuk te accepteren.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:24 #1318381

  • Kock1964
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:laugh: ik dacht al, waar gaat dit naar toe..
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 20:46 #1318382

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Tja, kiezen tussen Scylla en Charybdis... Mytische zee-engte met levensgevaarlijke stromen:
Scylla en Charybdis, kiezen tussen - BETEKENIS & DEFINITIE
Tussen twee kwaden kiezen. De verleidelijke gezangen van de Sirenen nauwelijks te boven, beleefden Odysseus en zijn metgezellen op hun thuisreis een nieuw avontuur (zie Odyssee en Sirene).

Bij het doorzeilen van een zeeëngte bleek dat op een van de rotsen Scylla huisde, een zeskoppig monster met twaalf poten, dat op buit loerde. Aan de overkant bevond zich in het kolkende water het monster Charybdis, dat drie keer per dag het water met schepen en al opslurpte en weer uitbraakte. Na ampele overwegingen koos Odysseus ervoor om zo dicht mogelijk langs Scylla te varen, daar in de ziedende watermassa's die Charybdis teweegbracht zijn schip zeker zou vergaan. Scylla zag haar prooi: met haar zes koppen greep ze zes van Odysseus’ beste bemanningsleden en vrat ze voor haar hol op. Later dacht men zich Scylla als een levensgevaarlijke klip en Charybdis als een woeste draaikolk, aan weerszijden van de Straat van Messina. Een plaatsje aan de W kant van Sicilië heet nog Scylla.
Wij voeren daar met Norna van Z naar N doorheen. Met de hulp genoemde site www.correntidellostretto.it/ is het goed te doen al zie je heel wat wervelingen in het water.
Laatst bewerkt: 24 aug 2021 20:47 door Sunday.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 21:01 #1318386

  • Ilex
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Ben er twee keer doorgevaren... zonder rekening te houden met getij :blush:
Had wel gelezen dat er draaikolken zijn en veel stroming, maar om de een of andere reden kwam het zo uit.

Eén keer (overdag) spectaculair om mee te maken. Duidelijk verkeerde moment :cheer:
Niet tegen vechten, beetje laten meegaan en rustig tegensturen.
Je ziet heel duidelijk de kolken in troebel water, je voelt de boot meegenomen worden en zwalpt in de juiste richting.
De onderwereld trekt :unsure:
Op dat moment voeren er nog ferries. Beetje lastig om rekening mee te houden, maar ze gaan ook niet snel dan.
Was N naar Z.

De tweede keer was 's nachts. Beter moment. Beetje turbulentie, maar ok.
Was Z naar N.

Edit: ben je nog op weg naar Kroatië?
Laatst bewerkt: 24 aug 2021 21:05 door Ilex.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 21:45 #1318395

  • ReneK
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Iedereen dank je wel !

Ik ga de Posts even offline copieren en de websites bekijken
En dan rekenen ;)

Ik denk dat we er overmorgen of de dag erna , vanuit het zuiden , doorheen gaan dus even goed door rekenen

Ik laat wel weten hoe is gegaan is

Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 21:51 #1318397

  • ReneK
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Ilex schreef :

Edit: ben je nog op weg naar Kroatië?

Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)

Kroatië was trouwens prima ! Goed eten , mooie ankerbaaien en zelfs af en toe wat wind

Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)
Laatst bewerkt: 24 aug 2021 22:19 door ReneK.
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Straat v Messina ? 24 aug 2021 22:23 #1318400

  • elixer
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Pas ook op voor kleine gele en oranje boeitjes. Toen ik er met zweet in de bilnaad doorging bleken er wat duikers actief te zijn.

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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 05:51 #1318403

  • Ilex
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Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)

Goed bezig!
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 06:08 #1318407

  • Kock1964
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ReneK schreef :
Ilex schreef :

Edit: ben je nog op weg naar Kroatië?

Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)

Kroatië was trouwens prima ! Goed eten , mooie ankerbaaien en zelfs af en toe wat wind

Lekker relaxed daar. Zo heb ik het ook ooit ervaren. Heb je foto’s van Messina om te delen? Ben wel benieuwd naar die draaikolken voor zover dat op foto’s te zien is. Ik ken ze alleen bij Cherbourg, maar zal in het niet vallen bij Messina.
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 07:28 #1318419

  • ReneK
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We zijn er nog niet doorheen gegaan dus nog geen foto’s ;)
Als het spectaculair is maak ik wel foto’s en zal ze plaatsen

Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 07:59 #1318436

  • OldBawley
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verontschuldiging voor het Engels, ik had geen zin mijn oud postje te vertalen.

Going trough from North to South we had no problems. Saw some whirlpools, lots of ferry´s.

Some time later, in November, we sailed from Aci Trezza ( Sicily ) to Saline Ionici. Saw whales.
I had it timed perfectly, with the short days in November, we arrived in front of Saline Ionici exactly at dawn. Fishermen ware standing knee deep in the entrance waving with flash lights.

So we went searching for Bova marina.
This was 2001, I had a hand-held GPS, a compass, depth sounder and a map.
Just reading the small screen of the gps was almost impossible.
Could not find the entrance of Bova marina in the dark, then came the latest weather forecast by VHF promising NO 8.
Next safe place was about 50 miles so I decided to turn and go North to Reggio Calabria, That place would at least be lit at night.
So we went trough the strait again, not quite trough the narrowest point, but man, what a whirling of shipping. A building gale against us, dark, and lots of lights.
Thrilling passage.
Made it safe into Reggio, we had to stay 17 days in that crap harbour before we had a less than force 6 forecast.
Arrived on Corfu on Christmas evening.

I am a bit more careful with sailing in winter now.
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 07:59 #1318437

leuk om te lezen ! Wat wordt globaal je route vanaf nu?
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 08:16 #1318442

  • ReneK
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AndreAzuree schreef :
leuk om te lezen ! Wat wordt globaal je route vanaf nu?

Zoiets ? Maar pin me daar niet op vast !
Dat wilde we 3 jaar geleden ook en zijn we weer in Kroatië uitgekomen ;)


Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 08:25 #1318446

aan ambitie geen gebrek! :) gaaf hoor. Maar ik ken dat, met dat plannen maken...loopt altijd anders. Zo zijn wij nog steeds in Turkije :) Eind sept. naar Griekenland.
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 10:26 #1318485

  • ReneK
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André , plannen maken is makkelijk ;)

Maar we zijn onderweg naar Messina
Moeder en dochter brengen ons veilig naar de overkant


Inmiddels hebben we Kroatië verlaten en zijn we (weer) onderweg globaal richting Nieuw Zeeland ;)
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Straat v Messina ? 25 aug 2021 11:27 #1318504

leuk! Wat een ruimte op zo'n cat, geweldig, een echt familieship.
Wij kijken uit naar eind september, bestemming(plan) is dan Mykonos. Einde jaar overwinteren in Athene. Volgend jaar de Balkan.
Laatst bewerkt: 25 aug 2021 19:36 door AndreAzuree.
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