Nee, de T staat voor Theoretical. Een stukje uit de NMEA 0183 manual:
MWV – Wind Speed & Angle
When the reference field is set to R (Relative), data is provided giving the wind angle in relation to the vessel's bow/centerline and the wind speed, both relative to the (moving) vessel. Also called apparent wind, this is the wind speed as felt when standing on the (moving) ship.
When the reference field is set to T (Theoretical, calculated actual wind), data is provided giving the wind angle in relation to the vessel's bow/centerline and the wind speed as if the vessel was stationary. On a moving ship these data can be calculated by combining the measured relative wind with the vessel's own speed.
For Example:
1. If the vessel is heading west at 7 knots and the wind is from the east at 10 knots the relative wind is 3 knots at 180 degrees. In this same example the theoretical wind is 10 knots at 180 degrees (if the boat suddenly stops the wind will be at the full 10 knots and come from the stern of the vessel 180 degrees from the bow).
2. If the vessel is heading west at 5 knots and the wind is from the southeast at 7.07 knots the relative wind is 5 knots at 270 degrees. In this same example the theoretical wind is 7.07 knots at 225 degrees (if the boat suddenly stops the wind will be at the full 7.07 knots and come from the port-quarter of the vessel 225 degrees from the bow).
| | | | |
| | | | +-- Status, A = Data Valid, V = Data invalid
| | | +---- Wind speed units, K/M/N/S
| | +
Wind speed
| +
Reference, R = Relative
| T = Theoretical
Wind angle, 0 to 359 degrees
MWD – Wind Direction & Speed
The direction from which the wind blows across the earth’s surface, with respect to north, and the speed of the wind.
| | | |
| | | +-- Wind speed, meters/second
| | +
Wind speed, knots
| +
Wind direction, 0 to 359 degrees Magnetic
Wind direction, 0 to 359 degrees True
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