JeePee schreef :
Chart datum instelling in GPS?
Wordt tegenwoordig nog al eens over het hoofd gezien omdat bijna alle kaarten in WGS84 staan.
Er zijn om deze reden nogal eens wat strandingen geweest.
Engelse kaarten heb ik geregeld in ED1950 gezien.
Een citaat:
Datum shift between ED50 and WGS84[edit]
The longitude and latitude lines on the two datums are the same in the Archangel region of north-west Russia. As one moves westwards across Europe, the longitude lines on ED50 gradually become further west than their WGS84 equivalents, and are around 100 metres west in Spain and Portugal. Moving southwards, the latitude lines on ED50 gradually become further south than the WGS84 lines, and are around 100 m south in the Mediterranean Sea.
This means that if the lines are further west, the longitude value of any given point becomes more easterly. Similarly, if the lines are south, the values become northerly. This is due to the fact that the International Ellipsoid is larger than the GRS80/WGS84 elipsoid, so a given north-south distance will cover more latitude on the new ellipsoid, and a given east-west distance will cover more longitude.
The datum shift for the Universal Transverse Mercator grid is different. The eastings vary between 0 m in Eastern Europe and 100 m in the far west of the continent, roughly similar to the longitude shift, but the northings are about 200 m different across Europe, with the ED50 UTM northing lines south of the WGS84 UTM northing lines. It should be noted that UTM northings are measured from the Equator; distance from the equator to latitude 50 degrees is 112 m more on the International than on the WGS84 spheroid.
Da's tot een paar honderd meter, TS heeft het over mijlen.
Helaas, zijn kaart is gewoon out of date.