lvrfrc87 schreef :
Hi Wadloper, thanks for your reply.
Let me try to give more context: when I look to UK or Italy tidal tables for example the have Standard Ports and relative Secondary Ports with difference in time and tide. On HP33, for Secondary Ports in Netherlands, I can find only the difference in time and not in tide.
I suspected that the reason is because Secondary Ports are so close to the Standard one that, as you said, there is not much difference (In Italy for example, for Tirreno Sea, the Standard port is Gibraltar!)
To be honest: it has been some time since I last bought a HP33 (every year brings a new one). I can't recall if there where secondary ports in the last HP33 I bought.
I suppose that by "tide" you mean the height or the tidal range. What could be important also is the tidal curve. Some dutch ports don't have the standard 'Gauss' curve. But unless your intention is to take the mud somewhere and dry out, thats not really of very mucht importance.
The fact that Gibraltar is the standard port for the Tirreno Sea is remarkable. I suppose Gibraltat deal with the tidal range of the Atlantic Ocean in that part of it (something of about 1,50 m.), while the Tirreno Sea is almost tideless (10- 20 cm. tidal range).
If it is of any importance to you: there is an app called 'Quicktide' which is produced by
Nautin, a non-profit organisation in the Netherlands, which gives you the same infomation as the HP33 and even more on you smartphone. Including local tidal curves and even daily prediction of differences with the calculated tides (higher or lower as an effect of wind or other local influences).