Even het stukje track uit de manual gekopieerd.
Track line options
There are a series of options with the track. You can have just a basic trail of a fixed color or you can have a trail which varies in color according to the input of specific information from sailing instruments.
Line width track:Click on the pop-up menu to choose one type of line which stands out on the charts.
color of track: Select the color of your track by clicking on the corresponding pop-up menu, click on the desired color in the box and select, for example, the color red.
Variable color: You could chose a variable track color in accordance with one of the data sources recognised by the software (e.g. speed of the ship, wind force factor, etc.).
Note: the data sources are dependent upon the electronic equipment installed.
Firstly click on the radio button Variable Color and choose a data under the pop up which then on the pop-up menu of available data to show the list of available data and select the data in accordance to which the color is to be varied (for example, speed).
Using the keyboard select the delimiting speed values by successively selecting text zones (for example, speed of less than 5 knots: blue track; speed exceeding 10 knots: red track; speed between the two: variable color).
Edit Color Range
This function allows you to customize your track color according to selected received data.
To change the color of the track go to the [Utilities] menu and select [Option: GPS/Track]. This brings up a settings dialog box.
1 - Click the track tab in the upper of the window.
2 - In the bottom of the window click in the "According to.." radio button to assign a color to a track according to the parameter that you wish : for example, the track depending on the SOG , you can choose one color for the 0.0 to the 4.0 knots interval, and an other one for the 4.0 to 20.0 knots interval, so that you can see your track at a glance.
Note: the information depends on the electronic equipment connected.
3 - First, for example select the SOG interval on which color will be apply.
4 - Click on the Apply button to confirm.
5 - Then, choose between the 16 colors proposed to you by using the Number of colors pop-up
Note: you can customize the colors by right clicking on a color.