Ik las op CF
Conversion to lithium of a CE-marked boat
I recently become aware of a recommendation for use (RFU no. 199/2023) regarding lithium batteries, published by the group of inspection and certification organizations under the EU Recreational Craft Directive.
See page 335
In a watercraft, bearing a CE mark, the non-lithium battery(-ies) permanently installed for use on the craft
electrical system and/or engine starting are replaced with (a) lithium-based battery(-ies) of the same
Is this a "major craft conversion" in the sense of RCD Article 3 (7)?
Recommended Solution:
This change alters the watercraft to such an extent that it may not meet any more the applicable
essential safety and environmental requirements laid down in the RCD and/or ISO/TS 23625.
The consequence of the above recommendation is that any change of batteries from lead-acid to lithium would require a Post Construction Assessemnt (PCA) of the boat and be done by qualified technicians, which would be very expensive.
In my opinion, this would basically kill the market for LFP conversions in the EU.