Ik heb dat vorig jaar gedaan. Na onderstaande mail beantwoord te hebben nog een paar aanvullende vragen gehad. De polar was bij de eerstvolgende release opgenomen.
Mail Raymarine:
Thank you for your email.
As we move forward with new and exciting sailing features for our MFD’s and Instruments we are looking to build upon our Light House 3 embedded polar database. If you would like your boats polar to be considered for inclusion please can you provide the following information and your polar in the following format:
Boat Make: Jeanneau
Boat Model: Sun Odyssey 349
Mast (If different versions): Standard, In-Mast Furling or Masthead etc.
Keel Type (if different versions): Shallow draft, Deep Draft, Lift Keel etc.
Any specifics: No Spinnaker, Cruising Chute or Asymmetric
Polar format: .pol or .txt (tab delimited)
Naming Convention: Hallberg-Rassy_HR48MK2.txt (Underscore separates Manufacturer/boatbuilder from model/size.
Jeaneau_Sun Odyssey 410 Performance Rig Shallow Draft.txt
Data rules: TWA in the first column and increasing as it down. Increment size is not important (1,2,3,4 or 2,4,6,8 or 0,5,10,15 doesn’t matter)
TWS in the first row and increases as it goes right. Increment size is not important (1,2,3,4 or 2,4,6,8 or 0,5,10,15 doesn’t matter)
Note the first wind speed is TWA/TWS
Columns need to be separated by TAB.
It is our intention to update our embedded polar data base with each quarterly LightHouse 3 SW release.
Thank you for your support and fair winds.
The Raymarine Sailing Team.