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Onderwerp: Nieuwe navigatiesoftware voor UK en Ierland

Nieuwe navigatiesoftware voor UK en Ierland 24 mei 2011 10:52 #196533

Vandaag kreeg ik het volgende mailtje:

To all VisitMyHarbour members...

This is just to let you know that we are now producing "For Navigation" products, for you to buy and keep. We've also broken through all price barriers, and are able to offer you a complte set of 800+ UK/Irish waters charts embedded in a fully featured navigation program for £29.50 (non- members) or just £20 for paid up members. This package will allow you to plan passages, routes and waypoints at home...then take it to the boat, connect a GPS and navigate on it. It's really simple to use, with no installation required. Find out about it here:

Nog verder niet naar gekeken maa misschien ineressant voor anderen.

Laatst bewerkt: 24 mei 2011 10:53 door Yellow Boat.
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Re: Nieuwe navigatiesoftware voor UK en Ierland 24 mei 2011 14:26 #196582

  • sy helios
  • sy helios's Profielfoto
  • aanwezig
  • Gebruiker
  • Berichten: 13680
het prog is Seaclear; dat is inderdaad niet zo duur ;)

aanvulling; te lezen als, het lijkt heel wat, maar realiseer je dat seaclear tenslotte freeware is.
laten we zeggen ironisch van aard.
Helios is de zonnegod, Zoon van het Titanenpaar Hyperion en Theia, broer van Selene (Maan) en Eos (dageraad). Met zijn zonnewagen rijst hij bij dageraad op uit de Okeanos, rijdt langs de hemelkoepel en verdwijnt `s avonds in het westen weer in de oceaan.
Laatst bewerkt: 24 mei 2011 16:14 door sy helios.
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Re: Nieuwe navigatiesoftware voor UK en Ierland 24 mei 2011 15:52 #196599

Niet duur. Voor Seaclear only!!

Encryption and subsequent restrictions:

Charts in this pack are tied to the DVD and cannot be copied to your PC, therefore you will need a functioning DVD drive to make use of these at all times. While SeaClear is using these charts it runs in a restricted mode, and running SeaClear LITE direct from the DVD (without installation) has it's own drawbacks too. It is recommended that SeaClear is properly installed on your computer (everything is provided), and that this version is used for navigation at sea. Restrictions as a result of chart encryption include the inability to save routes after SeaClear is shut down, or to use the "Print Chart" feature, to meet UKHO restrictions on printing anything more than a A4 copy.
Both these nuisances can be overcome with the Gadwin Screenprint software included with this pack (or get Gadwin here NOW...highly recommended DOWNLOAD ), furthermore routes manually entered and saved on your GPS set can be translated by the G7towin software provided, and re-injected into SeaClear.
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Re: Nieuwe navigatiesoftware voor UK en Ierland 07 juni 2011 14:13 #199689


Weet iemand waar je WCI of KAP kaarten kan downloaden voor SEACLEAR II

en dan gaat het met name om de kaarten voor de noordzee, kanaal, franse en engelse kust.



zeil_dude schreef :
Niet duur. Voor Seaclear only!!

Encryption and subsequent restrictions:

Charts in this pack are tied to the DVD and cannot be copied to your PC, therefore you will need a functioning DVD drive to make use of these at all times. While SeaClear is using these charts it runs in a restricted mode, and running SeaClear LITE direct from the DVD (without installation) has it's own drawbacks too. It is recommended that SeaClear is properly installed on your computer (everything is provided), and that this version is used for navigation at sea. Restrictions as a result of chart encryption include the inability to save routes after SeaClear is shut down, or to use the "Print Chart" feature, to meet UKHO restrictions on printing anything more than a A4 copy.
Both these nuisances can be overcome with the Gadwin Screenprint software included with this pack (or get Gadwin here NOW...highly recommended DOWNLOAD ), furthermore routes manually entered and saved on your GPS set can be translated by the G7towin software provided, and re-injected into SeaClear.
Laatst bewerkt: 07 juni 2011 14:14 door Bianca107.
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