Deze vakantie zijn we naar Normandie gezeild (verslagje volgt hopelijk). Ik heb daarbij de wifi-koppeling tussen Navionics (Ipad)en Raymarine (plotter)node gemist. Na de laatste updates in juni/juli van Navionics is deze functionaliteit (voor mij de belangrijkste reden om de navionics app te kopen) plotseling verdwenen. Er wordt veel geklaagd op engelse fora, vreemd genoeg hoor je er hier niets over.
Bijgaand ter info het antwoord dat ik van Navionics ontving op mijn opmerkingen terzake.
*Dear Mr. .....,
Please note that with the latest major 7.0 release, the Navionics Marine apps has seen numerous significant changes, improvements and additional features. However, some of the changes has led to the removal of the Plotter Sync functionality as we have known it till now. This feature is now replaced by a next generation PlotterSync that includes the very first results of a Navionics-Raymarine joint project that provides truly innovative features in combination with their latest state-of-the-art wi-fi plotter technology. Next releases of our marine apps will see additional and exciting new functionalities.
Routes, tracks and waypoints transfer to and from Raymarine chartplotters (sync) has temporarily been removed from our apps in order to optimize the feature. It will be restored soon.
Please keep following us on Facebook and our website for latest news:
Unfortunately, we do not think that the functionality of Plottersync can be restored during 2014. Sorry could not provide a better answer, but it also depends on by Raymarine.
We apologize for any inconvenience this technology change may have crea
ted to you in particular but we hope you will be able to capture the benefits it will offer in the near future.
Best regards,
Navionics Technical Support Team