Squalls zijn een fenomeen waar je op menig vertrekkersblog / in menig zeilboek over leest. Middenop de oceaan.
Maar in de meteocursus leerde ik juist dat een stevige bui voornamelijk
boven land ontstaat (door de opwarming). Zo bleef ik met de vraag zitten... hoe zit het dan met de squalls, die je in menig vertrekkersblog
middenop de oceaan leest? Kortom, wat is zo'n oceaan-squall en hoe ontstaat
die dan?
Kees Floor had het antwoord ook niet.
Verder dan een definitie ben ik nog niet. Noot: ik bedoel dus vooral een 'gewone' squall zoals die op de oceaan in menig spannend boek voorkomen...
A sudden onset of strong winds with speeds increasing to at least 16 knots (18 miles per hour) and sustained at 22 or more knots (25 miles per hour) for at least one minute. The intensity and duration is longer than that of a gust. It is reported as "SQ"s in an observation and on the METAR.
A narrow band or line of active thunderstorms that is not associated with a cold front. It may form from an outflow boundary or the leading edge of a mesohigh.
A white squall is a sudden and violent windstorm phenomenon at sea which is not accompanied by the black clouds generally characteristic of a squall. The name refers to the white-capped waves and broken water, its meager warning to any unlucky seaman caught in its path. White squalls are rare at sea, but common on the Great Lakes of North America.
A white squall is the culprit of many sea stories and blamed for quite a few tragedies. It is described as a sudden increase in wind velocity in tropical and sub-tropical waters, and lacks the usual dark, ominous squall clouds. The white squall, still thought by some to be myth, may be a microburst.