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Actisense Tech Support replied:
Hi Holtere
Your understanding of how the NGW-1 works is correct, it will convert NMEA 0183 data to NMEA 2000 (and vice versa).
The baud rate the NGW-1 communicates at can be changed from 4800 to 38400 using our freely available NMEA Reader:
If the reason you need to change the baud rate to 38400 is because you need to translate AIS data then this cannot be achieved by simply changing the baud rate. To convert AIS data you will either need to install the AIS firmware on your NGW-1-STNG or you will need to purchase an NGW-1-ISO-AIS with an STNG-A06045 adaptor cable.
NMEA 2000 and SeaTalkNG use the same data but different connectors, so the STNG-A06045 adaptor cable (which is included in the box with the NGW-1-STNG) is just a cable that simply changes the physical connection type.
Please refer to the NGW-1 Conversion List for details of all conversions that can be performed by the NGW-1 (and just as importantly those that cannot). The latest conversion list can be downloaded here:
Notice there are two conversion lists, one for the standard firmware, and one for the AIS firmware.
As an extra note:
If you want to use the NGW-1 with NMEA 0183 waypoint names, they have to be purely numeric – e.g. a valid waypoint name is “73”, an invalid name is “waypoint 73” in order for the NGW-1 to correctly convert it to NMEA 2000. This is because NMEA 2000 waypoint names can only be numeric (at their lowest level). Converting NMEA 2000 waypoint names to NMEA 0183 is simple as they will automatically use the numeric value defined in NMEA 2000.
All of the “next waypoint” data is converted (via APB and RMB) by the NGW-1 but a full waypoint list transfer is currently not (as WPL is not supported). We have received a number of reports from NGW-1 customers and UK Raymarine engineers that the NGW-1 works well with their Evolution autopilot.
Best Regards,
Owen Vachell
Actisense Tech Support