Free Bird schreef :
Het gaat hier over de beschikbaarheid van kaarten voor OpenCPN. Het een kan niet zonder het ander. Dus de discussie is wel degelijk relevant.
Chart Formats
OpenCPN supported chart formats:
BSB Versions 1, 2 and 3, with chart files ending with ".kap".
BSB Version 4 , with chart files ending with ".cap", works with a non free plugin, for Windows only. See the Plugins Download Page.
NOS/GEO Version 1, with chart files ending with ".nos" and ".geo". (Subsequent versions are probably supported but need to be tested. However, this format is obsolete for new charts.)
"nv-charts", with chart files ending with ".eap", are supported through a non free plugin, for Windows only. See the Plugins Download Page.
CM93 Version 2.
(C-map Version 3, and later, is in a preprocessed proprietary SENC format and is not supported.)
S57/S52 (ENC), with chart files ending with ".000".
OpenCPNs internal SENC files has a ".S57" file extension.
If a chart is said to be a S57 Vector chart, and has a different file ending, it is likely to be a SENC file, a processed version of a ".000" chart file, in a proprietary, platform specific format, that OpenCPN can't handle.
Formats, that with some effort, can be used.
Generally chart pictures in gif, jpeg, pdf, png, tif, bmp and other formats can be used, when properly geo-referenced, to generate KAP file (BSB / RNC) that OpenCPN can display. For the details about this process see the chart thread in the forum. Also, make sure to browse around the forum as there are a handful of other interesting chart related threads.
WCI charts generated with SeaClear and MapCal can also be transformed to BSB charts and used by OpenCPN. The key is to open a WCI chart in MapCal and convert it to a BMP picture, and then transform this picture to a tiff file, using for example ImageMagic. More about using MapCal, a part of SeaClear, for chart conversions, is available here.
OziExplorer charts consisting of picture in one of the standard formats, together with a georeferencing ".map" file, can be converted to a bsb kapfile. A Ruby script for this conversion is available here. Ozi charts of the ozfx2 or ozfx3 format can not be converted with this tool. These Ozi formats are not documented and proprietary, and cannot be displayed in OpenCPN.
Before Maptech started to produce BSB charts the HDR format was used in the late eighties to mid nineties. These charts consists of many picture tiles in pcx format, more than 100 tiles is not unusual. The tiles can be merged to one picture and then used as any other picture to make an OpenCPN compatible chart. For details on this process see the Chart Conversion Manual and this post and the following posts in the forum. A script for merging the pcx tiles to one picture is available here.
The HDR format is from an era when computer-memory and processing power were less powerful than today, as a consequence these charts are not of the same quality as more modern charts. Furthermore, most of these charts are not using WGS84 as reference datum. These charts should not be the first choice, but can be useful if nothing else is available.