BlackSea schreef :
For what problem is this the solution? How do I disable a plugin (as the user app-page is better but stil broken, see below)?
refers to
But then I'm greeted with an error: localhost:3000 cannot be found.
either in avnav_server.xml with the editor of your choice or via GUI (mainpage->bar icon->pencil next to SignalK handler)
Strange thing though that after I loaded the python mapproxy-package, I did not get the error of not finding localhost:3000 anymore. Instead I saw two entries, one of SignalK, the other of the mapproxy-plugin, so we are making progress. But when I click on one of either entries (to do some comgiguration, it opens with soem kind of general dialog (see screenshot in previous post).
But concerning the rws mapproxy-map, I'm a little underwhelmed. The buoys are drawn but not coloured so you can hardly recognise them. And if you zoom out a little too much, the map completely disappears.
you can certainly address your complaint to RWS. Why only from zoom >= 12 everything is visible and why paint the buoys black / white. Mapproxy only passes on what he has received
Ok, so there lies the problem. If I load the RWS ENC-maps in OpenCPN, indeed I can see a similar behaviour. Probably this can be solved in AVnav by using overlays?
BTW, the whole setup collapsed, network problems of any kind or so. As I'm working from packages on my laptop, this is somewhat to be expected. Maybe I build a docker container for AVnav to have a more predictable experience