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Onderwerp: Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 16 jan 2019 20:56 #1013219
"Life is too short to own an ugly boat"
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 16 jan 2019 21:12 #1013225
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 16 jan 2019 23:46 #1013250
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 17 jan 2019 06:53 #1013271
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 17 jan 2019 08:25 #1013290
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 17 jan 2019 09:10 #1013303
The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth.
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 17 jan 2019 10:29 #1013331
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 21 jan 2019 10:36 #1014696
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 21 jan 2019 10:57 #1014705
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 07 apr 2019 21:06 #1035718
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 05:42 #1035729
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 07:04 #1035738
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 08:02 #1035753
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 08:22 #1035759
S&S #2042 1/2ton 1973
1e eigenaar Rauno Aaltonen: "... as my daughter is called Tuulevi, meaning a light wind. The word tuulee is a verb meaning the wind blows. Tuulevi is a dialect word meaning a very light blow." |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 08:26 #1035761
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 08:33 #1035762
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 19:33 #1035883
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 08 apr 2019 20:05 #1035893
S&S #2042 1/2ton 1973
1e eigenaar Rauno Aaltonen: "... as my daughter is called Tuulevi, meaning a light wind. The word tuulee is a verb meaning the wind blows. Tuulevi is a dialect word meaning a very light blow." |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 05:05 #1035926
The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth.
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 06:24 #1035945
S&S #2042 1/2ton 1973
1e eigenaar Rauno Aaltonen: "... as my daughter is called Tuulevi, meaning a light wind. The word tuulee is a verb meaning the wind blows. Tuulevi is a dialect word meaning a very light blow." |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 07:46 #1035959
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 08:03 #1035967
S&S #2042 1/2ton 1973
1e eigenaar Rauno Aaltonen: "... as my daughter is called Tuulevi, meaning a light wind. The word tuulee is a verb meaning the wind blows. Tuulevi is a dialect word meaning a very light blow." |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 08:23 #1035974
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 08:44 #1035981
S&S #2042 1/2ton 1973
1e eigenaar Rauno Aaltonen: "... as my daughter is called Tuulevi, meaning a light wind. The word tuulee is a verb meaning the wind blows. Tuulevi is a dialect word meaning a very light blow." |
Project: roerstandgever inbouwen in C888 il Cigno 09 apr 2019 08:55 #1035984