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Onderwerp: Mijlpaal
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 17:38 #932528
Het mooist is de boot waar je zelf de sleutels van hebt.
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 17:47 #932529
Helios is de zonnegod, Zoon van het Titanenpaar Hyperion en Theia, broer van Selene (Maan) en Eos (dageraad). Met zijn zonnewagen rijst hij bij dageraad op uit de Okeanos, rijdt langs de hemelkoepel en verdwijnt `s avonds in het westen weer in de oceaan.
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 18:23 #932539
happy sailing
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 18:26 #932541
happy sailing
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 18:49 #932548
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 19:05 #932558
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 19:38 #932567
Contest 36s Camelot
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 19:53 #932577
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 20:04 #932583
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 20:38 #932594
Het mooist is de boot waar je zelf de sleutels van hebt.
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 20:49 #932598
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 20:53 #932600
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 21:06 #932605
Mijlpaal 04 apr 2018 23:05 #932616
Mijlpaal 05 apr 2018 08:03 #932651
Mijlpaal 06 apr 2018 05:45 #932889
Erik de Jong (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
Mijlpaal 06 apr 2018 06:28 #932893
dat conservatieven in doorsnee hechten aan veiligheid, voorspelbaarheid en autoriteit, terwijl liberalen zich eerder thuis voelen bij nuance en complexiteit,
Mijlpaal 06 apr 2018 07:53 #932920
Mijlpaal 06 apr 2018 20:11 #933111
Mijlpaal 06 apr 2018 20:30 #933115
Mijlpaal 06 apr 2018 23:13 #933135
Mijlpaal 07 apr 2018 04:27 #933148
Mijlpaal 07 apr 2018 08:13 #933175
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 07 apr 2018 08:27 #933178
Het mooist is de boot waar je zelf de sleutels van hebt.
Mijlpaal 07 apr 2018 08:52 #933182