Gaan we dan even kijken wat de voorwaarden zijn en hoe het gekeurd moet worden, blijkt dat de verpakking en de lamp zelf zoals talamex die aanbied helemaal niet volgens de voorgeschreven standaard zijn ; ze vermeld namelijk ; volgens de richtlijnen USCG , maar het USCG zegt het volgende ;
33 CFR § 183.810 - Navigation light certification requirements.
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§ 183.810 Navigation light certification requirements.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section, each navigation light must—
(1) Meet the technical standards of the applicable Navigation Rules;
(2) Be certified by a laboratory listed by the Coast Guard to the standards of ABYC A–16 (incorporated by reference, see § 183.5) or equivalent,
although portable battery-powered lights need only meet the requirements of the standard applicable to them; and
(3) Bear a permanent and indelible label that is visible without removing or disassembling the light and that states the following:
(i) “USCG Approval 33 CFR 183.810.”
(ii) “MEETS______.” (Insert the identification name or number of the standard under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, to which the laboratory type-tested.)
(iii) “TESTED BY______.” (Insert the name or registered certification-mark of the laboratory listed by the Coast Guard that tested the fixture to the standard under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.)
(iv) Name of manufacturer.
(v) Number of model.
(vi) Visibility of the light in nautical miles.
(vii) Date on which the light was type-tested.
(viii) Identification and specifications of the bulb used in the compliance test.
(b) If a light is too small to attach the required label—
(1) Place the information from the label in or on the package that contains the light; and
(2) Mark each light “USCG” followed by the certified range of visibility in nautical miles (nm), for example, “USCG 2nm”. Once installed, this mark must be visible without removing the light.
klikker de klik voor de bron en de 33CFR 183.810 navigatie verlichting en certificering
Even in het rood , er is een uitzondering voor batterij lampen , maar dat wil niet zeggen dat alles mag en kan .