In deze sectie horen alleen topics welke een project beschrijven. Hiervoor gelden bijzondere regels. De beschrijving van het project staat centraal, reacties van zowel de Topic Starter (TS) als andere leden zijn alleen toegestaan indien deze rechtstreeks betrekking hebben op de projectinhoud. Zie ook de forumregels die hierop van toepassing zijn.
Onderwerp: Mijlpaal
Mijlpaal 06 dec 2015 14:31 #687151
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 06 dec 2015 22:56 #687347
dat conservatieven in doorsnee hechten aan veiligheid, voorspelbaarheid en autoriteit, terwijl liberalen zich eerder thuis voelen bij nuance en complexiteit,
Mijlpaal 07 dec 2015 08:38 #687396
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 07 dec 2015 09:47 #687418
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Mijlpaal 07 dec 2015 15:23 #687499
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 07 dec 2015 17:03 #687527
Mijlpaal 07 dec 2015 19:22 #687560
Mijlpaal 08 dec 2015 14:15 #687768
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 08 dec 2015 19:14 #687860
Mijlpaal 08 dec 2015 20:17 #687895
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 23 apr 2016 16:49 #728664
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 23 apr 2016 18:36 #728694
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Mijlpaal 23 apr 2016 19:47 #728704
Mijlpaal 23 apr 2016 20:22 #728714
Mijlpaal 23 apr 2016 21:23 #728733
Helios is de zonnegod, Zoon van het Titanenpaar Hyperion en Theia, broer van Selene (Maan) en Eos (dageraad). Met zijn zonnewagen rijst hij bij dageraad op uit de Okeanos, rijdt langs de hemelkoepel en verdwijnt `s avonds in het westen weer in de oceaan.
Mijlpaal 24 apr 2016 16:59 #729020
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 24 apr 2016 17:56 #729033
Mijlpaal 24 apr 2016 18:55 #729061
Mijlpaal 24 apr 2016 19:29 #729081
Mijlpaal 24 apr 2016 19:51 #729094
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 25 apr 2016 05:54 #729160
Team Zeilersforum.nl
“One impossible thing at a time” - Jean Juc Picard Leukothea, Seahorse, 30m schoener, Defender 27. Friendship 28, Victoire 34 en nu Sigma 41 Star of Earendil |
Mijlpaal 26 apr 2016 16:37 #729687
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 08 okt 2017 21:33 #880662
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Mijlpaal 08 okt 2017 21:41 #880663
Mijlpaal 08 okt 2017 21:45 #880665
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |